29GIS information in the stages of a crisis event in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo
Krzysztof ROGOWSKI
Pomeranian University, Slupsk
ORCID: 0000-0001-9392-1906
Abstract: The article is a presentation of adverse events that may occur during storms as they
relate to noticeable climate change. In recent years there has been a constant increase in sea
water levels and therefore forecasts and analyses for the coastal area should be made. The focus
is on presenting methods for forecasting and mitigating impacts. The possibility of using a geo-
graphic information system is described, with particular emphasis on the situation of extreme
weather phenomena – storms, in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo.
Zarys treści: Artykuł stanowi prezentację niekorzystnych zjawisk, jakie mogą wystąpić pod-
czas burzy w związku z zauważalnymi zmianami klimatu. W ostatnich latach obserwuje się
stały wzrost poziomu wód morskich, dlatego należy sporządzać prognozy i analizy dla ob-
szaru przybrzeżnego. Nacisk położono na przedstawienie metod prognozowania i łagodzenia
skutków. Opisano możliwość korzystania z systemu informacji geogracznej, ze szczegól-
nym uwzględnieniem sytuacji ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych – sztormów na obszarach
przybrzeżnych Rowów, Ustki i Darłowa.
Keywords: GIS information, crisis event, security
Słowa kluczowe: informacja GIS, zdarzenie kryzysowe, bezpieczeństwo
Use of GIS and information contained in the phases of crisis management
The 21st century has been characterized by great technological development and
the introduction of many improvements and solutions aecting the lives of everybo-
dy. The process of technological dissemination is related to the growing demand for
Nr 6 ss. 29–38 2021
ISSN 2543–7321 Przyjęto: 11.02.2022
© Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Zarządzania, Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku Zaakceptowano: 11.02.2022
Oryginalna praca badawcza DOI: 10.34858/SNB.6.2021.003
30 Krzysztof Rogowski
current and up-to-date information because today information has become a strategic
New technological solutions have improved many decision-making activities and
processes, both for individuals and for services and government. It has improved the
work of dozens of areas of the state economy, making decision cycles in many sectors
dependent on the use of information processing systems.
With the help of software and computer hardware, it has become possible to store,
process and analyze the acquired data, both spatial (relating to location) and descrip-
tive (representing exact characteristics).
The eectiveness of state crisis management depends mainly on the correct circula-
tion of information both within and outside the country. This suggests that crisis mana-
gement systems must be based on recognised international standards. In Poland, so far,
the circulation of security-relevant information takes place through web applications
or websites developed independently by various commercial companies, organizations
and institutions. Due to the use of specic technologies, it is dicult to create a single
information infrastructure from these solutions. As a result, solutions from dierent su-
ppliers cannot, in most cases, cooperate or exchange information with each other.
The methods and forms of obtaining information aect the quality of currently
stored les and data necessary for analysis based on GIS applications. Many methods
of data acquisition are known, but the safe collection of information is possible only
through databases and local servers which are made available to the public and which
are protected by security systems.
Several forms of information acquisition have been identied, but the most com-
mon one has been digitization, which consists of scanning space and terrain and pre-
senting data on a computer screen. Another method is photogrammetry, which allows
instant collection of information.
One of the main systems responsible for data storage and analysis is the Geographi-
cal Information System (GIS).1 This system, through an interactive presentation of data
in the form of a digital map, allows tracking of evolving events and processes occurring
in the environment and at the same time inuences the key decision making at the time
of the threat. Hence, it has become crucial to provide information about space and ways
to use resources for administrative purposes and there has been a great increase in inte-
rest in GIS systems in the areas of public security and crisis management.
The key element in building GIS systems are people who, having analytical skills,
use the capabilities of systems to carry out data analysis based on which they provide
the information needed to make the right decisions, which improves the operation of
emergency services at the scene. Thanks to the very wide range of analytical and visu-
alisation capabilities, GIS systems have found wide application in crisis management
systems, which has an impact on improving the security and eciency of the system
in crisis situations. This is because spatial information technology enables constant
and rapid access to information and contributes to tasks such as:
1 https://www.esri.pl/co-to-jest-gis/ [access: 04.12.2020].
31GIS information in the stages of a crisis event in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo
deployment of a network of preventive and patrol units;
the location of individual facilities and resources held by the security services;
creating maps with accurate data on crisis events;
reducing time and improving activities by organizing smooth transit of preven-
tive services to the scene of the event;
analysis of the likelihood of a hazard occurring;
statistical interpretation of existing dependencies, through the use of digital
maps with access to multiple thematic layers;
investigating the causes and correlations of dangerous events and alerting the
population to such events;
creating schemes and their constant analysis in terms of the behaviour of specic
security actors;
planning of rescue operations and verication of the decisions taken;
work on information and the ability to encrypt sensitive data;
monitoring the risks that may occur, but also identifying vulnerabilities and fu-
ture hazards;
the creation of geoportals that have an impact on security building;
design and work with layered congurations.
Spatial analyses are procedures and operations performed on data sets such as sa-
tellite and aerial imagery, point clouds from laser scanning, or data obtained from eld
measurements. They are at the heart of spatial information systems because they allow
data to be converted into useful information that allows patterns, trends or anomalies
to be found.
As a result of spatial analysis, the obtained spatial information may take various
forms, such as: raster maps, vector datasets or tabular statements. This information is
often used in crisis management as a tool to support decision-making. Depending on
the crisis management phase and the available spatial data, appropriate spatial analy-
ses are performed to provide the spatial information sought.
The following is an example of an analysis carried out for the purposes of crisis
management depending on the type of the crisis event, in this case a storm and its ef-
fects in the form of ooding occurring as a result of the so-called retreat at the mouth
of rivers.
During the response phase,2 at the time of the arrival of submersible waves, up-to-
-date images are compiled with archival images to determine the actual extent of the
oods. This information, combined with a terrain sculpture model, enables determina-
tion of how deep the water is in dierent parts of an area. With continuously supplied
satellite (optical and radar) data, aerial imagery or drone data, the up to date situation
in ooded areas can be monitored. Radar images, which accurately depict the surface
of the earth regardless of the time of day, weather and height above sea level, are ex-
tremely useful for detecting ooding.
2 W. Molek, K. Stec, R. Marciniak, Zarządzanie kryzysowe w systemie kierowania bezpieczeństwem
narodowym, “Pozamilitarne Aspekty Bezpieczeństwa” 2011, t. IV, Wrocław, s. 45.
32 Krzysztof Rogowski
During the reconstruction phase,3 spatial analyses are carried out which provide
information on the areas aected by the oods and the extent of losses. Thanks to
satellite (or aerospace) data and a hydrological model, spatial analyses are performed
indicating drain-free spaces and the optimal location of high-eciency pumps for
water pumping after ooding.
Use of Geographic Information Systems in selected crisis events
Based on information from NASA scientists, global warming is accelerating and
will continue to accelerate if greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are not
reduced. The consequence of this is already seen in sea level rise, which will be cata-
strophic if the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica melt. Higher sea levels have al-
ready caused increased coastal erosion and frequent ooding of coastal towns during
periods of increased storms (Poland – spring and autumn-winter period).
Fig. 1. Sea level change in years
Source: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GlobalWarming/page6.php, [access date:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)4 estimates that sea levels
will rise by 0.18 to 0.59 m by 2099. Referring to this data and adopting the highest
sea level rise value, i.e. approximately 0.6 m, it is possible to estimate areas exposed
to irreversible ooding on the basis of GIS systems, which are systems supporting
decision-making in crisis management. One such system is the Operational Graphics
Package (PGO) on which this analysis was conducted.
However, the conditions determining the ood plains involve a certain measure-
ment error, due to the level of accuracy of the vertical altitude measurements adopted
3 K. Włodarczyk, Oprogramowanie wspomagające zarządzanie kryzysowe na szczeblu lokalnym,
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2011, s. 5.
4 Special Report Climate Change and Land, An IPCC Special Report on climate change, deserti-
cation, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas uxes
in terrestrial ecosystems, IPCC 2020, p. 58–68.
33GIS information in the stages of a crisis event in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo
in the above-named program, of 1 m. In spite of this, the program allows an appro-
ximate illustration of the eects of crisis events, which will be irreversible ooding
in the coastal zones in the selected areas in the future, in this case Rowy, Ustka and
The results are presented in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Flooding in Ustka, Darlowo and Rowy in the event of a sea level rise of 1 m (simulation
based on PGO 2014 program)
Source: self-analysis based on Operational Graphics Package 2014.
Using the data received, i.e. oodplains, further analyses can be made related to
the development of a population evacuation plan or facilities to ensure the functioning
of local communities based on another GIS system supporting crisis management,
which can be the Arc GIS application.
An example of analysis, based on the use of Arc GIS, of the occurrence of ooding
in Darłowo-Darłówko is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Isolated ood zone with a sea level rise of 1 m
Source: own study based on Arc GIS.
Analysis of ood zones in PGO 2014 made it possible to use the data, from which
the layer was created, to perform an analysis isolating objects completely inside the
source layer, i.e. the ood zone. As a result, 223 objects located within the border of
34 Krzysztof Rogowski
the towns of Darłowo and Darłówko were identied which, in the future, will be ex-
posed to ooding, Fig. 3.
Fig. 4. Darłowo. Extracted objects in the ood zone
Source: own study based on Arc GIS.
Based on this data analysis and using the information contained in the object attri-
bute tables, it is possible to plan well in advance projects related to the evacuation of
people, animals and property from areas at risk of ooding, as well as the relocation
of facilities belonging to critical infrastructure ensuring the functioning of local com-
munities. This is the future.
Today coastal areas are struggling with storms of great force which destroy not
only coastal clis but also ood urban areas and destroy beaches and coastal defences.
Fig. 5. Destroyed bike path in Kołobrzeg after a storm
Source: https://tvn24.pl/tvnmeteo/informacje-pogoda/polska,28/sztorm-rozprul-morski-
-brzeg,18372,1,1.html?p=meteo, [access: 04.12.2020].
Strong winds occurring in the Baltic Sea, especially in the spring and autumn
- winter periods, cause higher water levels at the mouths of rivers, an eect called
35GIS information in the stages of a crisis event in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo
“backwater,” i.e. the north wind pushes the water from the sea into the land, which
threatens to ood urban (or rural) infrastructure.
With the many possibilities of obtaining “historical” GIS data on areas at risk of
ooding, especially in coastal areas with stormy periods, it is possible to develop
maps of oodplains depending on the scale of the storm, based on GIS applications
that enable the analysis of threats to objects located in oodplains. This information
thus gives decision-makers and emergency management services time to make deci-
sions and take actions to prevent the possible evacuation of populations, animals and
property from ood-prone areas.
An information-rich internet portal for GIS data on oodplains is Hydroportal-
-ISOK (https://wody.isok.gov.pl/imap_kzgw/?gpmap=gpPDF).
Fig. 6. Ustka. Sea ood risk map, including internal sea water, 1% probability of ooding
– once every 100 years
Source: https://wody.isok.gov.pl/imap_kzgw/?gpmap=gpPDF, [access: 04.12.2020].
Fig. 7. Darłówko-Darłowo. Sea ood risk map, including internal sea water, 1% probability of
ooding – once every 100 years
Source: https://wody.isok.gov.pl/imap_kzgw/?gpmap=gpPDF, [access: 04.12.2020].
36 Krzysztof Rogowski
Fig. 8. Rowy. Sea ood risk map, including internal sea water, 1% probability of ooding
– once every 100 years
Source: https://wody.isok.gov.pl/imap_kzgw/?gpmap=gpPDF, [access: 04.12.2020].
By treating the data obtained from the geoportal adequately, as in the case of data
obtained from PGO 2014, an analysis is developed as a result of which we obtain
information on the threats to objects located in the ood zone. The analysis identied
726 objects exposed to ooding, Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Darłowo. Isolated objects in the ood zone resulting from the so-called storm retreat
Source: own study based on Arc GIS.
In the considerations made so far, it can be noted that the services involved in the
crisis management system suer from an information decit. Each crisis is characteri-
zed by certain parameters, including a shortage of time and information. Not having
37GIS information in the stages of a crisis event in the coastal areas of Rowy, Ustka and Darłowo
complete and up-to-date data, or lacking data on the size of an event, can be a factor
in the success or failure of decision-makers and services.
The presented issues were focused on meeting the needs in the eld of knowledge:
what factors inuence the use of GIS applications in the area of crisis manage-
ment and
understanding and using the acquired knowledge to improve the functionali-
ty of the Geographical Information System, understood as a multi-component
tool (methods, technical means, hardware, software, database, procedures and
people interested in its functioning) for obtaining, publishing, processing and
analysing spatial information.
In order for GIS to function eectively, it is necessary to have a harmonious and
proportionate balance of the above-mentioned components, as each of them plays an
important role in the construction of a reliable information ow system.
Through extensive analytical and program capabilities, GIS contributes to the im-
provement of decision-making and faster access to information, which makes this
system an indispensable tool in the work of emergency services and emergency deci-
sion-making bodies in crisis events.
The geospatial tool has many advantages and development perspectives. In addi-
tion to improving the safety assurance process, it enables: precise orientation in the
eld, quick access to up-to-date data and maps in digital form, and analysis of multi-
ple situations simultaneously. However, attention should be paid to the dangers that
may be encountered in using said system.
One of the threats to the functioning of the system is access to out-of-date
data,which usually escalates anxiety. Other risks relate to hacking groups and terrorist
groups stealing data and using it for illegal purposes.
It should also be noted that the use of digital maps may aect the ability to use
maps in analogue (paper) form.
The users of GIS applications face big challenges in improving their functions and
accuracy of data presentation. This requires increasing system self-suciency and
forgetting the fact that GIS systems are an auxiliary tool rather than a decision-making
tool. The system cannot be held responsible for decisions that save lives or property.
Users of the map tool should be aware of its objective, the purposes of environ-
mental threat analysis, as well as the fact that the system is designed to assist with
decision-making, not to take over the role of decision maker.
However, it should be remembered that in order to be able to consistently and
safely use the Geographic Information System, a number of actions are needed to
improve the eciency of the system, which include:
38 Krzysztof Rogowski
the creation of extensive databases that will be kept up-to-date;
analysing the quality of information obtained by ocials;
building data security systems and creating bodies that ensure access to secure
facilitating access to published data and computer maps;
the establishment of legal standards related to access to spatial information;
making the public aware of the high impact of GIS systems on the development
of all sectors of the state economy;
conducting training for users to use devices equipped with spatial technology.
GIS technology enriches our lives and improves security and supports the functio-
ning of many systems: preventive, crisis management, security, health and military
services. The Geographical Information System is constantly being improved and its
development capabilities are unlimited, therefore activities related to ensuring securi-
ty depend on its conscious use.
Molek W., Stec K., Marciniak R., Zarządzanie kryzysowe w systemie kierowania bezpieczeń-
stwem narodowym, Pozamilitarne Aspekty Bezpieczeństwa, t. IV, Wrocław 2011.
Włodarczyk K., Oprogramowanie wspomagające zarządzanie kryzysowe na szczeblu lokal-
nym, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2011.
https://wody.isok.gov.pl/imap_kzgw/?gpmap=gpPDF [access: 04.12.2020].
72,1,1.html?p=meteo, [access: 04.12.2020].
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GlobalWarming/page6.php, [access: 04.12.2020].
As a result of climate change, ocean levels are rising at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, this
will continue to worsen and, if not addressed on a global scale, could result in the migration of
people from coastal areas that may soon be ooded. One of the main systems used for data sto-
rage and analysis has become Geographic Information System (GIS). This system allows the
tracking of unfolding events and processes in the environment and at the same time inuences
key decision making when a threat occurs.