Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Pomeranian University, Slupsk
ORCID: 0000-0001-9467-6682
The soul never thinks without a mental image.”
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present and encourage the use of activation methods in
conducting classes with students. The article describes one activation technique – Mind Map-
ping. The author also describes the course of summary classes in the subject of ‘Economic
Security’, during which this technique was used. The main objectives of conducting the above
mentioned classes using Mind mapping were: 1. To include all students from a given group in
the process of summarizing the knowledge of a given subject; 2. To motivate students to inde-
pendently systematize the content learned during the classes. The author also asked herself the
questions: 1. Is it worth combining the so-called traditional forms of teaching with activating
methods? Do students like classes with the use of active methods? On the basis of literature
review and students’ answers to a survey conducted at the end of classes, it can be denitely
conrmed that it is worthwhile incorporating activation methods during classes as they actively
engage students in the learning process. The use of activation methods leads to a signicant
increase in eciency and improvement of the entire didactic process.
The following research methods are used in this paper: a literature review on the presented
topic and a survey questionnaire. The purpose of the literature review is to introduce the reader
to the activation methods, their division and the individual steps of creating mind mapping. The
purpose of the questionnaire survey among students was to obtain feedback on how to conduct
classes with the use of the mind mapping activation method. The article presents a map made
by students of the National Security major, as part of the nal classes of the course ‘Economic
Security’ implemented in the academic year 2018/2019, who prepared a summary of the acqui-
red knowledge using the discussed activation technique.
Nr 6 ss. 39–55 2021
ISSN 2543–7321 Przyjęto: 29.03.2022
© Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Zarządzania, Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku Zaakceptowano: 29.03.2022
Oryginalna praca badawcza DOI: 10.34858/SNB.6.2021.004
40 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
Zarys treści: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i zachęcenie do stosowania metod aktywiza-
cyjnych w prowadzeniu zajęć ze studentami. Artykuł opisuje jedną technikę aktywacji – Mind
Mapping. Autorka pisze również o przebiegu zajęć podsumowujących z przedmiotu „Bezpie-
czeństwo ekonomiczne”, podczas których zastosowano tę technikę. Głównymi celami prowa-
dzenia w/w zajęć z wykorzystaniem Mind Mapping były: 1. Włączenie wszystkich studentów
z danej grupy w proces podsumowania wiedzy z danego przedmiotu; 2. Zmotywowanie stu-
dentów do samodzielnego usystematyzowania treści poznanych na zajęciach. Autorka zadała
sobie również pytania. 1. Czy warto łączyć tzw. tradycyjne formy nauczania z metodami akty-
wizującymi? Czy uczniowie lubią zajęcia z wykorzystaniem metod aktywnych? Na podstawie
przeglądu literatury oraz odpowiedzi studentów na ankietę przeprowadzoną na zakończenie za-
jęć można z całą pewnością stwierdzić, że warto na zajęciach stosować metody aktywizujące,
które aktywnie angażują studentów w proces uczenia się. Stosowanie metod aktywizacyjnych
prowadzi do znacznego wzrostu efektywności i usprawnienia całego procesu dydaktycznego.
W pracy wykorzystano następujące metody badawcze: przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz
kwestionariusz ankiety. Celem przeglądu literatury jest zapoznanie czytelnika z metodami ak-
tywizacji, ich podziałem oraz poszczególnymi etapami tworzenia map myśli. Celem badania
ankietowego wśród uczniów było uzyskanie informacji zwrotnej na temat prowadzenia zajęć
z wykorzystaniem aktywizacyjnej metody mapowania umysłu. W artykule przedstawiono
mapę wykonaną przez studentów kierunku Bezpieczeństwo Narodowe w ramach zajęć końco-
wych realizowanych w roku akademickim 2018/2019 kursu „Bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne”,
którzy przygotowali podsumowanie zdobytej wiedzy z wykorzystaniem omawianej techniki
Key words: activating methods, activating techniques, Mind maps, didactic process
Słowa kluczowe: metody aktywizujące, techniki aktywizujące, mapy umysłu, proces dydak-
Globalization, dynamic technological progress, almost unlimited access to infor-
mation, and at the same time social isolation of the younger generation, due to the
current pandemic, pose new challenges to civilization, especially to teaching sta at
all levels of education.1
The development of civilization and the resulting economic, social and cultural
changes are the causes of changes in people, their needs and abilities. These changes
are the result of people striving to adapt to the new situation by acquiring knowledge,
experience and competences helpful in nding themselves in the surrounding reality.
The need to acquire knowledge and the ability to use it in life is one of the elementary
human needs described by psychologists, as well as the purpose of the educational
process, which accompanies a person for most of their life.2
1 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego
metody aktywizujące. Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska, A. Modliń-
ski (red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 359–376.
2 S. Rapacka-Wojtala, Metody aktywizujące w nauczaniu dorosłych, czyli jak sprawić, aby studen-
tom chciało się chcieć, 187_208_Rapacka-Wojtala.pdf (lodz.pl), [access: 04.12.2021].
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
When it comes to higher education teaching, it is worth noting that it is now sig-
nicantly dierent from the patterns of learning that operated back in the 20th centu-
ry. Universities now operate in a single market, giving members of their community
almost unlimited opportunities to study in another country or at another university.
Thanks to this approach, students are becoming citizens of the world, aware of the
opportunities created by the global market. Of course, their awareness of their va-
lue also increases, i.e. they know exactly what they expect. Globalization thus poses
a number of challenges to the development of the teaching, learning and creativity
process, among which are the following:3
the university is no longer just a place of transmitting and acquiring knowledge,
it is a space where personalities permanently meet and forms of communication
evolve (e.g. Internet knowledge portals are created and used);
students constitute a social group, which eciently uses modern information
technologies (e.g. creating network communities, using pedagogical platforms,
including simulation games);
an academic teacher must create a climate for greater involvement of learners in
the learning process, thereby giving them responsibility for the outcome of their
society is brought up in the constant presence of television and the Internet,
and as we know, modern media provide strong visual and auditory impressions,
which in turn stimulates greater creativity;
the student is more and more often also an employee who has to face the necessi-
ty of solving real problems on a daily basis, therefore the tasks set before them
must be ambitious.
Currently, universities are places where students develop their own talents and
bring out their creative potential. All this should take place in the spirit of subjectivity,
personalism and individualism.4
One of the ways to improve the quality of the educational process is to use activa-
ting methods in didactic work. It is these methods that are an integral part of problem-
-based learning, they t into the models of inquiry teaching and cooperative learning.5
3 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego
metody aktywizujące, Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska, A. Modliń-
ski (red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 359–376.
4 J. Wnęk-Gozdek, Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów, Formy i metody aktywizowania
studentów, [w:] Współczesne wyzwania dydaktyki szkoły wyższej (up.krakow.pl), [access:
5 J. Wnęk-Gozdek, Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów..., op. cit.
42 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
Learning pyramid
Looking at the process of knowledge transfer, it is worth noting the so-called lear-
ning pyramid (Figure 1), showing the average percentage value of content assimilated
by the student and transferred by dierent teaching methods. It shows that from a lec-
ture delivered by a traditional method, only 5% of the material is remembered. Multi-
media presentation shows about a 20% recall, while the most ambitious classes so far,
with the use of IT equipment, results in only 30% of the material being memorized.
Much better results, as much as 50% of the assimilation of content, can be obtained
during the seminar form of classes, in which students are inspired to exchange views
during discussions. As much as 75% of the material will be learned through practical
activities such as well-planned projects, preferably team projects. However, the most
benecial eects are achieved when students use the acquired knowledge on an on-
going basis and pass it on independently to other students in an understandable form.6
Fig. 1. Learning pyramid
Source: Pawełczyk M., Nowoczesne metody nauczania w technicznej uczelni wyższej,
URL: https://www-arch.polsl.pl/Jednostki/RJO3-KS/Documents/MPawelczyk.pdf [access:
It is precisely the greatest percentage of assimilation, understanding and also recall
of information that is associated with teaching another person. It is about the student
transferring the knowledge to another student in such a way that it is understandable
and that this person is able to apply it in practice.7
6 M. Pawełczyk, Nowoczesne metody nauczania w technicznej uczelni wyższej, https://www-arch.
polsl.pl/Jednostki/RJO3-KS/Documents/MPawelczyk.pdf, [access: 04.12.2021].
7 Ibidem.
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Activating methods
“That old idea that you can turn up to the lecture to sit passively
and get lled up with knowledge, just does not stand the test:
You have to work actively in order to learn anything…”8
A teacher stands in the front of the classroom and talks. Students listen and maybe
take notes. After the lecture, students write in their notebooks and complete exercises.
Sound familiar?
This model of teaching, where a teacher provides information and pupils’ role is
just to sit still and listen, is an old school method. Sometimes there is a place for this
model as well, but if it is the only teaching method in the class, all skills (in learning,
socializing, collaborating) will become narrow. Traditional teaching is only one part,
although it still has an important role in creating peace and safety in the classroom.
Students of dierent ages need dierent methods.9 That old idea that you can turn up
to the lecture to sit passively and get lled up with knowledge just does not stand the
test: you have to work actively in order to learn anything – both pedagogic and neu-
robiological research show this. In order to understand and remember what is being
said in a lecture it is crucial that the students are made to use that new knowledge du-
ring the lecture. Students should constantly be made to reect and relate to questions
– they should constantly have the feeling of being “on.” This principle counts for all
kinds of teaching.10
Active learning is an approach to instruction that involves actively engaging stu-
dents with the course material through discussions, problem solving, case studies,
role plays and other methods. Active learning approaches place a greater degree of
responsibility on the learner than passive approaches such as lectures, but instructor
guidance is still crucial in the active learning classroom. Active learning activities
may range in length from a couple of minutes to whole class sessions or may take
place over multiple class sessions.11
Activating methods are a category of methods characterized by the fact that in the
teaching process the students’ activity should exceed the activity of the lecturer. These
methods, by denition, stimulate greater involvement, are more attractive and charac-
terized by higher eciency. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility
of improving skills that are useful not only during the classes, but also in everyday
life, including professional life, e.g. the ability to think analytically, to look critically,
to combine facts and events, and above all to make inferences. Activation teaching
methods emphasize that their foundation is to ‘activate’ students by teaching them
8 https://medium.com/cultivate-grow-your-teaching/tips-for-student-activating-teaching-fe72a-
e0c8de9, [access: 04.12.2021].
9 https://learningscoop./activating-methods-in-classroom/, [access: 04.12.2021].
10 https://medium.com/cultivate-grow-your-teaching/tips-for-student-activating..., op. cit.
11 https://www.queensu.ca/teachingandlearning/modules/active/04_what_is_active_learning.html,
[access: 04.12.2021].
44 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
how to ‚discover on their own using real examples and with the mentoring support
of the teacher12.
The use of a variety of activity-based methods in working with students is impor-
tant because information from the human external environment is received through
all the senses in a polysensory manner. Full use of the brain’s potential results from
the participation of all the senses in the process of getting to know the world and lear-
ning.13 As a result of these changes, the teacher ceases to be a specialist in their eld
and becomes a facilitator of the learning process. They take on the role of a reecti-
ve researcher and creator of the learning process.14 When using activating methods,
imagination, experiencing, using emotional strategies play an important role, which is
based on research on the brain, because it is known that information with an emotio-
nal tone is easier to remember than neutral information.15 How to dene an activating
method? One denition explains that the activation methods are‚ a group of teaching
methods characterized by the fact that in the learning process the activity of the lear-
ner exceeds the activity of the teaching subject. In order to better understand the above
denition, it is worth analysing it carefully:16
the focus is shifted from the educational programme to the learner, developing
their competencies,
the learner is the active subject; they acquire knowledge through their own
experience and exploration,
the task of the teacher is to create a reality that is conducive to acquisition,
emotional involvement, solving dicult situations,
teaching takes into account all the processes of group dynamics.
12 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego me-
tody aktywizujące. Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska, A. Modliński
(red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 359–376.
13 B. Gola, D. Pauluk, Stosowanie metod aktywizujących przejawem profesjonalizmu nauczyciela
akademickiego, https://edukacjaustawicznadoroslych.itee.radom.pl/images/2015/2/03_2_2015.
pdf, [access: 04.12.2021].
14 J. Wnęk-Gozdek, Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów..., op. cit.
15 B. Gola, D. Pauluk, Stosowanie metod aktywizujących przejawem profesjonalizmu..., op.cit.
16 J. Wnęk-Gozdek, Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów..., op. cit.
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Activating methods and techniques
Give me a sh and I will have something to eat all day long.
Teach me to sh and I will have something to eat all my life.
J. Krzyżewska
In the literature you can nd the terms: methods and techniques of activation.
What is the dierence between methods and techniques and is there any systemization
of them?
Activation methods and techniques have been classied in a number of ways. One
of the many possible attempts to organize the methods and techniques of activation is
a distinction presented by A. Klimowicz, who indicates the division of methods and
assigns each of them specic techniques A. Klimowicz distinguishes:17
discussion (with the associated techniques: panel debate, pros and cons, meta-
plan, six hats according to de Bono);
role-playing (techniques: simulations, didactic games and plays, drama, role-
analysing and solving problems (techniques: brainstorming, decision tree,
‘U’ procedure, pyramid of priorities, diamond ranking, case study);
learning in small teams (corresponding techniques: puzzle, snowball, relay);
visualization (techniques: mind map, map of associations, creating posters, co-
mics, rebus, interactive exhibition);
task stations.
The origins of Mind Maps
Mind maps emerged in the 1970s. Their creator is considered to be the English
psychologist Tony Buzan, who died in 2019, who, together with his brother (Barry
Buzan) developed their theoretical basis and then practical applications in various
elds – from education to business.18
One classic denition is that: ‘Mind maps are a system for storing, organi-
zing, and prioritizing data using words and pictures, each of which will stimula-
te specic memory resources and stimulate new thoughts and insights’. Accor-
ding to another denition: ‘Mind maps are a method of creating notes in graphical
form. They make it easier to organize and structure information – making it ea-
sier to remember and understand’. To draw up a mind map you not only need to
17 B. Gola, D. Pauluk, Stosowanie metod aktywizujących przejawem profesjonalizmu..., op.cit.
18 A. Radomski, O zastosowaniu map myśli w nauce i edukacji, „Kultura i Historia” nr 36/2019 (2).
46 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
understand the content, but also know how to organise the information to a high
enough degree.19
The genesis of Mind maps was the idea that we could take notes in a dierent way
and then remember the data they contain better when we use dierent note-taking
methods. The previous method, which is still dominant, consists in writing certain
information in a linear order, i.e. from left to right and from top to bottom. Most of
the time, such notes have the form of sentences, the same letter size, colour and some
phrases may be bulleted at most. This system of note taking, as T. Buzan points, out
has many disadvantages. The most important ones include:20
length of notes;
diculty in memorizing;
time-consuming execution;
lack of stimulation of the brain for further creative and imaginative work.
In addition, these types of notes are dicult to add to and expand upon. As Tony
Buzan wrote, ‘This system uses only left-brain memory mechanisms in which words,
tables, logic, order, sequence, and numbers play a major role. Imagination, associa-
tion, exaggeration, humour and absurdity, colour, rhythm and sensory impressions
are completely ignored’. Mind maps are more eective because, according to Tony
Buzan, they better reect how the brain works. The human brain does not think line-
arly but in dierent directions at the same time – starting from single, central starting
points, in the form of images or keywords (Figure 2) – this is called radial thinking.
Thus, the concept of Mind maps is designed to function like the brain, i.e. to reect
the radial thinking mentioned above.21
The rst Mind maps appeared over 40 years ago. They were drawn up by hand on
sheets of paper. The technological revolution and the advent of the digital age have
‘revitalised’ the classic Mind map. Tools for creating digital Mind maps have been
developed and their appearance has signicantly broadened their functions and possi-
bilities. Currently, Mind maps are mainly created on computers and various types of
mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.).22
19 Ibidem.
20 Ibidem.
21 Ibidem.
22 Ibidem.
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Fig. 2. Neurons in the brain – radial thinking
Source: https://wyborcza.pl/napamiec/7,139301,16645287,ile-mamy-neuronow-w-mozgu.
html?disableRedirects=true, [access: 04.12.2021].
What is Mind Mapping?
Mind maps were dened by Buzan as an expression of Radiant Thinking and
is therefore a function of the human mind and ― a powerful graphic technique which
provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. Mind mapping has
four essential characteristics:
1. the subject attention is crystallized in a central image;
2. the main themes of the subject radiate from the central image as branches;
3. branches comprise a key image or key word printed on an associated line, and
4. the branches form a connected nodal structure.
Similar to a concept map, a Mind map is also a kind of graphic organizer, which is
described as two-dimensional visual knowledge representations, including owcharts,
timelines and tables. They show relationships among concepts or processes by means
of spatial position, connecting lines and intersecting gures.23
Mind maps are graphical representations of information. In contrast to the tra-
ditional, linear notes you might make in a text document or even on paper, Mind
maps let you capture thoughts, ideas and keywords on a blank canvas. These ideas
are organized in a two-dimensional structure, with the title/main idea always located
in the centre of the map for visibility. Related ideas branch o from the centre in all
directions, creating a radiant structure.24
23 Ying LiuGuoqing Zhao, Guozhen Ma and Yuwei Bo, The Eect of Mind Mapping on Teach-
ing and Learning Meta-Analysis, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/297833919_The_Ef-
fect_of_Mind_Mapping_on_Teaching_and_Learning_A_Meta-Analysis, [access: 04.12.2021].
24 https://www.mindmeister.com/blog/why-mind-mapping/, [access: 04.12.2021].
48 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
Mind mapping is a powerful technique to help you visually develop and orga-
nize ideas and information. Mind maps provide a structured way to capture and or-
ganize ideas and information. They help users to understand concepts by breaking
them down into their component parts. The technique is used to develop new ideas,
or to break down and better understand existing information. Whether developing
new ideas or organizing existing information, Mind maps help you see how informa-
tion ts together. Mind maps provide an expansive and exible structure to support
one’s thinking.25
Unlike other visual diagrams, a Mind map is built around a single central topic
(Figure 3). All the information on the map is “anchored” to the same start point. By
placing the main idea at the centre, it is easier to understand the core focus of the Mind
map (Figure 4).26
Fig. 3. Principles for creating a Mind Map
Source: https://www.mindmaps.com/what-is-mind-mapping, [access: 04.12.2021].
Tree-like branches make up a Mind map. They can expand and grow as you de-
velop your ideas. Each branch shows information organized as topics and subtopics,
based on categorizations and connections identied by the map creator. The result is
a structured hierarchy of information at all levels of the Mind map.27
Reasons to use Mind mapping28
The list of benets of Mind maps is very long. First of all, Mind maps can help
Improve your memory with visual cues, words and images.
Identify relationships between dierent topics.
Develop your subject understanding.
25 https://www.mindmaps.com/what-is-mind-mapping, [access: 04.12.2021].
26 Ibidem.
27 Ibidem.
28 https://www.port.ac.uk/student-life/help-and-advice/study-skills/mind-mapping, [access:
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Connect your ideas and experiences to the literature you study.
Explore subjects broadly and in depth.
Organise your thoughts to plan and structure assignments.
Decide what to include or exclude in projects, including contextual informa-
Introduce new ideas and resources to a topic as you learn more about it.
Building a Mind map29
1. Write your map subject in the middle of the page. Your content will link to this
subject and spread out from the main heading. Your subject could be a topic or
idea, or information from a text.
2. Add key ideas to your map by writing their headings on the page and drawing
a connecting line between them and your main heading. Continue breaking
each section down and adding links between subjects to create smaller, specic
Mind maps on the page. This is a great chance to explore specic topics more
3. Use key words or images to represent each piece of information.
4. Link new content to your current map – ideas should always be connected to
something else in the Mind map. Adding new information to your current map
layout encourages you to engage with the content so you can decide if it needs
to be included and where it ts in your structure.
5. Change the style, size or colour of items to represent important content.
6. Use colours to identify themes and relationships. Some information in your
map may t more than one map ‘branch.’ Colour-coding and extra connecting
lines will help you keep track of this.
Who uses Mind mapping?30
Mind mapping is used by people in business, education, government, the charity
sector and at home.
In business, Mind mapping is used for project planning, strategic thinking and ma-
naging meetings. Mind mapping software helps teams to develop their ideas more
collaboratively. Online mapping allows people to build o of each others ideas and
develop a shared understanding of a situation. It can also break down complex proje-
cts into more manageable parts.
In education, students of all ages use Mind maps for note taking, summarizing
subject information and planning written assignments. Educators are use Mind
maps for lesson planning, innovative homework assignments and group exercises
29 Ibidem.
30 https://wwwmindmaps.com/what-is-mind-mapping, [access: 04.12.2021].
50 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
in the classroom. Outside of these elds, many individuals use Mind maps to help
with their organization and future planning. People often use Mind maps to plan their
weeks, their goals and their careers.
Fig. 4. Basic information about the Mind Map
Source: based on https://www.mindmaps.com/what-is-mind-mapping, [access: 04.12.2021].
The use of a Mind map during classes with students
Students majoring in National Security as part of the nal classes of the course
‘Economic Security’ conducted in the academic year 2018/2019 prepared a summary
of the acquired knowledge, using the Mind Mapping technique. The main objectives
of conducting the activity using Mind mapping were:
1. to involve all the students in the group in the process of summarizing the kno-
wledge of the subject;
2. motivating students to independently systematize the content learned during
the classes.
The summary session began with a presentation of information about the Mind
Mapping technique, its origins, benets of its use and rules of creation. Then students
were divided into groups of 4–5. Each group was given large sheets of paper and dif-
ferent coloured marker pens. Students were given the following instructions:31
31 The Eects of Mind Mapping Activities on Students’ Motivation, https://digitalcommons.geo-
rgiasouthern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1314&context=ij-sotl, [access: 04.12.2021].
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Step one: Brainstorm:
1. Write the topic in the centre of a blank page. Topic: State economic security.
2. Use colours, pictures, words, and symbols to record any ideas, topics, research
or theories that are associated with the topic. You can place these anywhere on
the page. Associate freely and do not lter out ideas at this point; anything and
everything is okay.
Step 2: Organization:
1. Map the relationships between the ideas or key points using lines, arrows, co-
lours and words to link them.
2. Identify the type of relationship between ideas or points, such as: contrasts,
similarities, cause and eect. Write these relationships along the linking lines.
Step 3: Mind Map:
1. Once you are comfortable with the associations and organization in your brain-
storm, then use the ideas that you have developed to draw out your nal Mind
After completing the task, each group discussed their Mind map.
A selected Mind map, representing the learned issues related to National Econo-
mic Security, that was made by students is shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Mind Map –State economic security
Source: Prepared on the basis of a Mind map made by students of National Security.
52 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
After discussing the Mind maps, students were asked to complete a short survey
(4 questions and an opportunity to freely write comments) regarding their evaluation
of how the activities were conducted. The survey included the following questions:
1. Did you like the way the class was conducted using the Mind mapping techni-
denitely yes
rather yes
dicult to say
rather no
denitely no
2. Did the tutor explain the principles of Mind mapping in an understandable way?
denitely yes
rather yes
dicult to say
rather no
denitely no
3. During the classes in which teams worked using the Mind mapping technique,
was the atmosphere conducive to communication and cooperation?
denitely yes
rather yes
dicult to say
rather no
denitely no
4. How would you assess the way the classes were conducted using the Mind
mapping technique?
denitely high, I was able to recall and systematize a lot of information
rather highly
dicult to say
I prefer lectures where the teacher presents the content
I did not like the way the classes were conducted
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Twenty-seven students responded to the survey presented above. Twenty-three
students answered that they denitely liked the way the Mind mapping activities were
conducted (three students answered rather yes, and one student answered dicult
to say). Twenty students strongly agreed that the teacher explained the principles of
Mind mapping in an understandable way (ve students answered rather yes; two
students dicult to say). Twenty-one students indicated working in an atmosphere
conducive to communication and cooperation (ve students answered rather yes;
one student dicult to say). Nineteen students assessed the way the classes were
conducted using Mind mapping techniques as very high; ve students rather high;
two dicult to say; one student chose the answer: I prefer lectures where the teacher
presents the content. Interestingly, there were sixteen freely given comments in the
questionnaires which presented their own opinions about the conducted classes. Some
of the opinions were:
1. the time passed exceptionally quickly for me during this class;
2. it’s been a long time since I had so much fun during the classes, is it possible to
conduct such classes more often?
3. I like this way of repeating knowledge. I will use Mind mapping when prepa-
ring for other subjects.
4. I like working in a team.
5. it’s amazing how on one page quite a lot of knowledge can be presented.
On the basis of the students’ answers in the survey conducted at the end of the
classes, it can be denitely conrmed that it is worthwhile incorporating activation
methods during the classes, as they introduce the culture of teamwork as well as enga-
ge the students actively in the learning process. This leads to a signicant increase in
eciency and improvement of the entire didactic process in a given subject.
The traditional view of the student as someone whose task is to absorb the in-
formation provided by the teacher must, to an even greater extent, give way to
an approach in which the teacher acts as a guide. A special place in teaching
should be given to the teacher-student relationship and solutions that allow it to
evolve into a master-student relationship. The lecturer should become an inspira-
tion to gain knowledge and should try to prepare the student to seek and deepen
it independently.32
It is commonly said that university graduates enter the job market with extensive
knowledge, but very often without the ability to use it in practice in an organiza-
tion. Therefore, an important element of the applied methodology should be a skilful
32 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego
metody aktywizujące, Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska, A. Modliń-
ski (red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 359–376.
54 Anna Rychły-Lipińska
combination of forms and techniques of classes, or nding the so-called golden
mean in the use of administering methods (e.g. lecture, talk) and activating methods
(e.g. discussion, simulations, training games, case studies, brainstorming, solving pra-
ctical tasks).33
Obviously, in order to increase the eectiveness of the teaching process, the sta
must have appropriate qualications and didactic and scientic competences and re-
gularly improve and update them. Lecturers should be increasingly obliged to use
diversied didactic methods involving students in the learning process and to use
innovative educational methods.34
It is also crucial to convey knowledge to students in a communicative way, to te-
ach them to associate facts, to show connections with subjects composing a coherent
study programme, to instil the ability to work eectively in a team, while retaining
courage and sound argumentation in presenting their ideas.35
For this to be possible, it is necessary to take into account the individual pre-
dispositions of the student, the conditions in which the learning process takes
place and the existing atmosphere in the group. Also important are the personal
predispositions of the lecturers themselves, their preferences regarding the subject
they teach and their teaching experience. Being a good facilitator and guide is a
great art. M. Taraszkiewicz points out another very important issue that must be
taken into account when using these methods: ‘each activation method has its own
specicity, involves a dierent type of experience and brings in eect (die-
rent) educational results’. Therefore, the use of activating methods in the process
of education should always be preceded by thorough preparation and planning of
individual steps.36
Gola B., Pauluk D., Stosowanie metod aktywizujących przejawem profesjonalizmu na-
uczyciela akademickiego, https://edukacjaustawicznadoroslych.itee.radom.pl/ima-
ges/2015/2/03_2_2015.pdf, [access: 04.12.2021].
Pawełczyk M., Nowoczesne metody nauczania w technicznej uczelni wyższej, https://www-
-arch.polsl.pl/Jednostki/RJO3-KS/Documents/MPawelczyk.pdf, [access: 04.12.2021].
Radomski A., O zastosowaniu map myśli w nauce i edukacji, “Kultura i Historia” 2019, nr 36 (2).
Rapacka-Wojtala S., Metody aktywizujące w nauczaniu dorosłych czyli jak sprawić, aby stu-
dentom chciało się chcieć, 187_208_Rapacka-Wojtala.pdf (lodz.pl), [access: 04.12.2021].
33 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego
metody aktywizujące. Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska, A. Modliń-
ski (red.), SGH, Warszawa 2020, s. 359–376.
34 Ibidem.
35 M. Pawełczyk, Nowoczesne metody nauczania w technicznej uczelni wyższej, https://www-arch.
polsl.pl/Jednostki/RJO3-KS/Documents/MPawelczyk.pdf, [access: 04.12.2021].
36 J. Wnęk-Gozdek, Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów..., op.cit.
Use of the activating technique – Mind Mapping – in the implementation ...
Szewczuk-Stępień M., Adamska M., Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego wykorzystującego
metody aktywizujące, Współczesne zarządzanie. Koncepcje i wyzwania, A. Sopińska,
A. Modliński (red.), Warszawa 2020.
The Eects of Mind Mapping Activities on Students’ Motivation, https://digitalcommons.
georgiasouthern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1314&context=ij-sotl, [access:
Wnęk-Gozdek J., Formy i metody aktywizowania studentów, Formy i metody aktywizowania
studentów, [w:] Współczesne wyzwania dydaktyki szkoły wyższej (up.krakow.pl), [access:
Ying LiuGuoqing Zhao, Guozhen Ma and Yuwei Bo, The Eect of Mind Mapping on Tea-
ching and Learning Meta-Analysis, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/297833919_
The_Eect_of_Mind_Mapping_on_Teaching_and_Learning_A_Meta-Analysis, [access:
https://learningscoop./activating-methods-in-classroom/, [access: 04.12.2021].
e0c8de9, [access: 04.12.2021].
https://www.mindmaps.com/what-is-mind-mapping, [access: 04.12.2021].
https://www.mindmeister.com/blog/why-mind-mapping/, [access: 04.12.2021].
https://www.port.ac.uk/student-life/help-and-advice/study-skills/mind-mapping, [access:
https://www.queensu.ca/teachingandlearning/modules/active/04_what_is_active_lear ning.
html, [access: 04.12.2021].
disableRedirects=true, [access: 04.12.2021].
The global changes we are witnessing force changes in the approach to education. Only indivi-
dualized and creative approaches will allow the eective facing of new tasks in the future. It is
important to skilfully combine various forms and methods of conveying knowledge and skills.
It is about combining elements characteristic of traditional didactics, e.g. lectures, exercises,
seminars or laboratories, with elements using technological solutions, such as e-learning or
interactive simulation tools, as well as practical input resulting from including entities from
the university environment in the teaching process, e.g. study visits in institutions, meetings
with business.37
37 M. Szewczuk-Stępień, M. Adamska, Efektywność procesu dydaktycznego..., op. cit.