87Factors inuencing cross-border security
Kharkiv National University of Internal Aairs, Kharkiv
ORCID: 0000-0003-4443-9114
Abstract: In the article the author analyses the issues of security in general, public security
and security of society and other types of security. Aspects of understanding the idea of ensu-
ring security both within the state and around it, along with the establishment of cross-border
security are introduced. Attention has been paid to the challenges of modern times, taking
into account historical experience. The author has analysed the presence of a large number of
factors aecting the development of the state, its internal structure, the development of society,
the economy, crime levels, which signicantly aect cross-border security and, accordingly,
the living standards of various groups and individuals.
Zarys treści: W artykule autor analizuje problematykę bezpieczeństwa w ogóle, bezpieczeństwa
publicznego i bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa oraz innych rodzajów bezpieczeństwa. Wprowa-
dzane aspekty rozumienia idei zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa zarówno wewnątrz państwa,
jak i wokół niego wraz z tworzeniem bezpieczeństwa transgranicznego. Zwrócono uwagę na
wyzwania współczesności, biorąc pod uwagę doświadczenia historyczne. Autor przeanalizował
obecność dużej liczby czynników wpływających na rozwój państwa, jego wewnętrzną strukturę,
rozwój społeczeństwa, gospodarkę, poziom przestępczości, które w istotny sposób wpływają na
bezpieczeństwo transgraniczne, a tym samym na poziom życia różnych osób – grupy i jednostki.
Key words: public safety, security of society, provision of security, cross-border security, cri-
me, civilization, globalism
Słowa kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo publiczne, bezpieczeństwo społeczeństwa, zapewnienie bez-
pieczeństwa, bezpieczeństwo transgraniczne, przestępczość, cywilizacja, globalizm
The Basic Law of Ukraine establishes that the constitutional system of Ukraine
is based on the principle of priority of human and civil rights and freedoms, and the
state, in turn, is responsible to human beings and society for its activities.1 At the
same time, it should be borne in mind that civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine are
1 Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny // Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny 1996, №30, s. 141.
Nr 6 ss. 87–94 2021
ISSN 2543–7321 Przyjęto: 05.04.2022
© Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Zarządzania, Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku Zaakceptowano: 05.04.2022
Oryginalna praca badawcza DOI: 10.34858/SNB.6.2021.007
88 Hryhorii Dzhahupov
inseparable from their implied public duties. Arbitrariness and irresponsibility are in-
compatible with true democracy.
The National Police of Ukraine, according to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the National
Police’, is the central executive agency that serves society by ensuring the protection of
human rights and freedoms, combating crime, ensuring public safety and keeping order.
One of the main functions of the police is protecting and ensuring public safety.2
Public order and safety are an integral part of a democratic state, which requires
great eorts from the state and society and a systematic approach. It is important to
realize that the security of society as a whole consists of the security of individuals, but
individuals are constantly under pressure from adverse circumstances and dangers that
threaten their well-being, social status and even lives.3
It should be noted that strong public safety is a necessary component of a civili-
zed way of life, the normal functioning of society and state institutions. Public safety
includes relationships that prevent or eliminate harmful eects that can be caused by
human actions or an articial or natural source of increased danger.
In our opinion, ensuring individual public safety, personal security and other fac-
tors that aect public order and public safety always have a psychological component.
These issues are important and relevant in the activities of the state to prevent oences
and ensure the security of ordinary citizens.
Consider the very concept of ‘security’. This category has been studied for deca-
des by many scholars but, demonstratively, there is no generally accepted scientic
denition of security, despite its everyday application. For example, I.I. Prykhodko
notes that this provision is due to the special complexity and internal contradictions
of the fundamental concept of ‘security’, the meaning of which has been formed for
a long historical period. Besides, he continues: ‘Terminological analysis of this con-
cept has demonstrated that mainly similar ideas about security in dierent subcultures
of the world have been formed, the leading components of which are: security of the
individual; no threats to humans; the condition of a person being out of danger. The
special attention of numerous modern denitions has been paid to the mental state of
a man, associated mainly with a calm, secure stay in the present, not excluding the
possibility of transformation in the future.’4
The problem of security has existed throughout the existence of society itself.
Mankind has reected this issue in religious, legal and political views and ideas. The
basic elements of security were the fundamentals in the works of thinkers of Ancient
Greece and Rome. According to the ‘contract theory’, one of the reasons for the emer-
gence of the state is the conclusion of an agreement (‘social contract’) by members of
2 Pro Natsionalʹnu politsiyu: zakon Ukrayiny vid 02.07.2015 580-VIII // Baza danykh «Zako-
nodavstvo Ukrayiny» / Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny, http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/580-19,
[data zvernennya: 20.02.2018].
3 V. Melʹnyk, Bezpeka osoby v systemi zahalʹnoyi bezpeky, Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho
universytetu. Seriya: Politolohiya, Sotsiolohiya, Filosoya, Vypusk 11, 2009, s. 45–49.
4 I.I. Prykhodʹko, Psykholohichna bezpeka personalu ekstremalʹnykh vydiv diyalʹnosti: kontseptsi-
ya, transformatsiyna modelʹ,metodolohiya doslidzhennya, Aktualʹni problemy sotsiolohiyi, psyk-
holohiyi, pedahohiky 2015, №4 (29), s. 118.
89Factors inuencing cross-border security
ancient societies to overcome the chaos and enmity of the ‘natural status’. That is, the
purpose was both to ensure the security of society itself and each individual. Subsequ-
ently, this concept under monarchies passed to ensure the security of the monarch, the
ruling classes and the very institution of the monarchy. However, at the beginning of
the Renaissance, the subjects of security became man, society and state.5
Speaking about national security, which necessarily is aected international secu-
rity, it should be noted that the world faced a global, unprecedented violation of the
human right to security during the two world wars of the 20th century. According to
Winston Churchill, all ties that bound people together disappeared in World War II.
The Germans, under Hitler’s rule, committed such crimes that allowed for them to be
condemned for crimes which had no equal in scale and malice in the entire history
of mankind. But, after all we have experienced and achieved, we still face problems
and dangers no less, but incomparably more formidable than those, which we have
so diculty coped with. He continues: ‘As one of those who lived and acted in those
days, I set myself the goal of showing, rst of all, how easy it would be to prevent the
tragedy of a world war; how the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness
of the virtuous; how there are no elements of stability and conviction in the structure
and customs of democratic states, unless they merge into larger organisms, that can
only ensure the security of ordinary people ...’6.
The concept of ‘security’ can both characterize the status of security of the most
common things, and relate to the characteristics of specic situations related to an
individual and society7. In a general sense, ‘security’ (from the Latin word ‘securitas’)
means freedom from fear and from hostile outside inuence.
Most scholars in modern scientic research, analysing the concept of ‘security’,
emphasize that it is the state of positive functioning and development of social, eco-
nomic, technical, environmental and biological systems, which eliminates threats to
sustainable development of society, state, economy and individuals, as well as their
dependence on other states or individual human groups. In general, the concept of
‘security’ was usually considered as ‘absence of danger, safety, reliability’, that is, the
meaning of the word can be interpreted in actions – to ensure the absence of danger,
to preserve this state and to reliably protect and defend it.
National security is achieved by having an eective mechanism for managing and
coordinating the activities of all executive agencies, political forces and social groups,
as well as eective institutions for its protection. There are three levels of security in
the system of modern scientic views: security of society, security of a person and
5 H.V. Dzhahupov, Pytannya bezpeky osobystosti pry zabezpechenni hromadsʹkoyi bezpeky,
H.V. Dzhahupov //Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu, Seriya «Pra-
vo» 2015, № 35-2, T .2, s. 71–75.
6 U. Cherchillʹ, Vtoraya mirovaya voyna (V 3-kh knigakh), Kn. 1, T. I–II, Sokr. Per. s angl. M.:
Voyenizdat 1991, s. 27–28.
7 V.V. Tretyak, Ekonomichnabezpeka: sutnistʹ ta umovyformuvannya / V.V. Tretyak // Ekonomika
i derzhava 2010, № 1, s. 6.
90 Hryhorii Dzhahupov
national security8. D.O. Bezzubov adds another level ‘public safety’.9 Security of so-
ciety, according to Ya. A. Zhalilo, provides the existence of social institutions, norms
and developed forms of social consciousness that allows realizing the rights and free-
doms of all groups of the population and counteracting the division of society.10
‘Social security’ (societal security ‘social’, ‘public’ and ‘sociological’) is
a general term for dening eorts to overcome modern threats to public security. The
concept of ‘social security’ was formed as a result of awareness of the phenomena
of identity and cohesion of society as sources of instability. Public security is a new
dimension that is now being created. It must ll the gap between national security and
human security.11
National security is a multifaceted concept that covers defence, environmental,
energy, food and other security. However, it is impossible to achieve any level of mili-
tary security or social harmony without a powerful and ecient economy.12 V.A. Lip-
kan says that national security as the system of fundamental, typical properties of any
country embodies all spheres and areas of life and development of man, society, state
and nature. In terms of content, its components are information, intellectual, political,
military, economic, state, environmental and other elements of national security.13
As well as the security of an individual, which consists in the formation of a set of le-
gal and moral norms, social institutions and organizations are allowed develop and reali-
ze their own social abilities and needs, without being opposed by the state and society.14
In turn, the security of every individual is a component of the security of society
as a whole. The dynamic transformations of the world system, states and societies,
crises and instability, which are their consequences, cause various threats global
problems, uneven economic development, terrorism and other forms of risk that de-
prives individuals of condence in the future. Accordingly, individuals try to restore
this condence, and therefore independently, or in cooperation with others, build such
a security system that would guarantee it and society the highest possible level. The
security of the individual, which is a response to such human needs, covers more and
more areas of human life, and therefore is embedded in a security system that includes
8 YA. Zhalilo, Stratehiya zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny. Prioritety ta prob-
lemy implementatsiyi / Zhalilo YA, Stratehiya natsionalʹnoyi bezpeky Ukrvyiny v konteksti dos-
vidu svitovoyi spilʹnoty, K.: Sat·sanha 2001, s. 78.
9 D.O. Bezzubov, Suspilʹna bezpeka (orhanizatsiyno-pravovi zasady zabezpechennya) : monohra-
ya, K. : «MP Lesya», 2013. s. 50.
10 YA. Zhalilo, Stratehiya zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny. Prioritety ta proble-
my implementatsiyi, Zhalilo YA, Stratehiya natsionalʹnoyi bezpeky Ukrvyiny v konteksti dosvidu
svitovoyi spilʹnoty, K.: Sat·sanha 2001, s. 23.
11 Bezpeka suspilʹstva u rehioni Rumuniya–Ukrayina–Respublika Moldova: trystoronniy pidkhid /
Prohrama Skhid-Skhid: «Partnerstvo bez kordoniv». Bukharest– Kyshyneu–Kyyiv: B.v., 2008,
s. 4–8.
12 Profesiynyy ryzyk v diyalʹnosti pratsivnykiv podatkovoyi militsiyi: navch. posib, [O.A. Dolhyy,
M.T. Zadoyanyy, V.P. Kroshko ta in.]; pid red. O.O. Spyrydonova, K.: Atika-N 2002, c. 141.
13 V.A. Lipkan, Natsionalʹna bezpeka i natsionalʹni interesy Ukrvyiny, Lipkan V.A. K.: KNT 2006,
s. 68, (Seriya «Natsionalʹna i mizhnarodna bezpeka»).
14 D.O. Bezzubov, Suspilʹna bezpeka (orhanizatsiyno-pravovi zasady zabezpechennya): monohra-
ya, K.: «MP Lesya», 2013, s. 452.
91Factors inuencing cross-border security
a signicant number of levels and types, i.e. in the general security system.15 At the
end of the 20th century the world faced global transformations. After the collapse of
the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, humanity entered a new era of existen-
ce. Most predictions of future processes were reduced to the inevitable ourishing of
Western civilization. However, the events of the early 21st century have shown the
opposite – the growth of the anti-globalization movement, the rise of nationalism, the
spread of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.
In 1996, the work of one of the world’s leading political scholars, an American
scientist and director of the Institute for Strategic Studies named after J. Olin at Har-
vard University, Samuel Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’ was published. ‘Global
politics is the politics of civilizations’, says the American scholar.
A. Halchynskyi, analysing the work of S. Huntington, notes that the dening ar-
gument is the position on the socio-humanistic orientation of the civilization pro-
cess each individual civilization (whether Chinese, Islamic, Western or Orthodox) is
a manifestation of the highest cultural and religious community of people, their sy-
stem identity, those realities that directly form the social environment where human
life takes place.16 Cultural landmarks that have been formed over many centuries
of the development of the civilization identity of certain peoples will prevail over po-
litical ideas. Economic growth and development of societies in various remote regions
will lead to increased disintegration. According to S. Huntington, the ideological basis
of the split will be religious dierences, which, in contrast to economic and political
conicts of interest, are less susceptible to adjustment and settlement. It is the cultural
and religious community that will determine the political and economic factors of in-
tegration and disintegration between civilizations. The political scientist predicts the
possibility of a conict between Western and Islamic and Chinese civilizations along
the lines of boundaries between them, which could lead to global war.
As for the Europe, the relevant line here, according to S. Huntington, runs ‘along
the current borders between Russia and Finland, between the Baltic states and Russia,
cuts Belarus and Ukraine, turns West, separating Transylvania from the rest of Ro-
mania, and then passes through Yugoslavia, almost exactly coinciding with the line
separating Croatia and Slovenia from the rest of Yugoslavia.’17
It should be noted that speaking of cross-border security, it should be noted
that the disintegration tendencies in the world are intensifying nowadays. Military
actions between nations is gaining momentum, they often have features of reli-
gious, racial and cultural conict. These problems are covered in the theoretical
justications of many modern ideological concepts. They focus more and more at-
tention on the factor of civilization, and the theory of S. Huntington is very relevant
in this case.
15 V. Melʹnyk, Bezpeka osoby v systemi zahalʹnoyi bezpeky, Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho
universytetu, Seriya: Politolohiya, Sotsiolohiya, Filosoya, Vypusk 11, 2009, p. 45–49.
16 Halʹchynsʹkyy Anatoliy Hlobalʹni transformatsiyi: kontseptualʹni alʹternatyvy, Metodolohichni
aspekty: Nauk. vyd. K.: Lybidʹ, 2006, s. 98.
17 Ibidem, с. 105.
92 Hryhorii Dzhahupov
It is also necessary to mention another factor that aects cross-border security. The
current world civilization is rapidly entering the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolu-
tion – the era of radical, large-scale changes, which have not been seen in the history
of mankind.18 According to the authors of ‘Information Technology in Law Enforce-
ment Activity’, the most fundamental and reasonable interpretation of the concept and
content of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is provided in the works of the founder and
executive director of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Klaus Schwab, ‘The Fo-
urth Industrial Revolution’19 and ‘Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.20
Thus, in his opinion, ‘… We are at the origins of a revolution that will fundamentally
change our lives, our work and our communication. In scale, scope and complexity,
this phenomenon, which I consider the fourth industrial revolution, has no analogues
in all previous human experience. We should only realize the fullness of the pace of
the development and scope of the new revolution.’21
Essentially, the technological advances of the fourth industrial revolution are wi-
dely used and will be used even more in the criminal world. Areas of criminal activity
may include the use of articial intelligence, the use of robots and drones, criminal 3D
printing, technological drug tracking, the technology of street and non-organized
crime, the use of biotechnology and large-scale terrorist acts.
With regard to the latter, the authors of the above-mentioned publication note that
large-scale terrorist acts for a long time required long preparation, the involvement of
many participants, expenditure of signicant and diverse resources and, nally, the
physical presence of terrorists in the vicinity of the terrorist act. The most striking
examples were the attacks on 11 September 2001, the explosions in the London Un-
derground and at the train station in Madrid. They all had the above features. Natio-
nal security forces failed to prevent those acts, but the above characteristics allowed
them to attack the planners and perpetrators of the barbaric acts and to punish them.
The same features have allowed the national security forces of dierent countries to
prevent several dozen large-scale terrorist acts in the last 15 years, which in their con-
sequences could have even surpassed the events that occurred.22
However, the situation has recently changed dramatically, and unfavourably so.
There is an active automation and robot automation of the above. Along with increasing
technical reliability and cost savings, this process has extremely negative consequen-
ces. Today the lives of millions in developed countries of the world depend on networks
18 Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi u pravookhoronniy diyalʹnosti. Chastyna 1: Vysokotekhnolohichni
trendy u pravookhoronniy sferi zarubizhnykh krayin : navch. posib., MVS Ukrayiny, Kharkiv,
nats. un-t vnutr. sprav; za zah. red. kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. V. M. Strukova [V. M. Strukov,
D.V. Uzlov, YU.V. Hnusov ta in.], Kharkiv: KHNUVS 2020, s. 254].
19 K. Shvab, Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya, M.: Izdatelʹstvo «E» 2016, s. 206.
20 K. Shvab, Tekhnologii chetvertoy promyshlennoy revolyutsii: M.: Izdatelʹstvo «Eksmo» 2018,
s. 333.
21 Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi u pravookhoronniy diyalʹnosti. Chastyna 1: Vysokotekhnolohichni
trendy u pravookhoronniy sferi zarubizhnykh krayin: navch. posib, MVS Ukrayiny, Kharkiv,
nats. un-t vnutr. sprav; za zah. red. kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. V.M. Strukova; [V.M. Strukov,
D.V. Uzlov, YU.V. Hnusov ta in.], Kharkiv :KHNUVS 2020, s. 254.
22 Ibidem, p. 100.
93Factors inuencing cross-border security
of critical infrastructure, and this is almost all essential support systems power, heat
and water supply, communications, etc.
All these systems are controlled by automated systems connected to the Inter-
net. Unidentied hackers have recently repeatedly attacked power supply systems,
automated control systems and data storage facilities, hydraulic structures and even
nuclear power plants in many countries, and especially the United States of America.
As a result, unknown individuals or organizations have information about the vulnera-
bilities and shortcomings of the management and security systems of those facilities.
The idea of ensuring security cannot be abstract, it always depends on the deve-
lopment of society as a whole, from the development of various types of security and
security around the state, i.e. cross-border security. It should be borne in mind that
ensuring security is based on value-normative models of society. It must be admitted
that there is a need to nd new ways of understanding security and the realities of
qualitative and quantitative changes of a global nature, based on a scientic analysis
of the essence of the state. Nowadays, a huge number of factors inuence cross-border
security, and the development of any state, namely its internal order, development of
society, economy, and crime rate will inevitably create a general regional or continen-
tal security system of dierent peoples.
Bezpeka suspilʹstva u rehioni Rumuniya–Ukrayina–Respublika Moldova: trystoronniy pidkhid,
Prohrama Skhid-Skhid: «Partnerstvo bez kordoniv», Bukharest–Kyshyneu–Kyyiv: B.v.,
Bezzubov D.O., Suspilʹna bezpeka (orhanizatsiyno-pravovi zasady zabezpechennya): mo-
nohraya, K. : «MP Lesya» 2013.
Cherchillʹ U., Vtoraya mirovaya voyna, (V 3-kh knigakh), Kn. 1, T. I–II, Sokr. Per. s angl.
M.: Voyenizdat 1991, Tretyak V.V. Ekonomichnabezpeka: sutnistʹ ta umovyformuvannya,
V.V. Tretyak, Ekonomika i derzhava 2010, № 1.
Dzhahupov H.V., Pytannya bezpeky osobystosti pry zabezpechenni hromadsʹkoyi bezpeky /
H.V. Dzhahupov, Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu, Seriya
«Pravo» 2015, № 35-2, T. 2.
Halʹchynsʹkyy A., Hlobalʹni transformatsiyi: kontseptualʹni alʹternatyvy, Metodolohichni
aspekty: Nauk. vyd., K.: Lybidʹ 2006.
Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi u pravookhoronniy diyalʹnosti, Chastyna 1: Vysokotekhnolohichni
trendy u pravookhoronniy sferi zarubizhnykh krayin: navch. posib., MVS Ukrayiny, Khar-
kiv. nats. un-t vnutr. sprav; za zah. red. kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. V. M.
Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny, Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny 1996, № 30, St. 141.
Lipkan V.A., Natsionalʹna bezpeka i natsionalʹni interesy Ukrvyiny, Lipkan V.A., K.: KNT,
2006, (Seriya «Natsionalʹna i mizhnarodna bezpeka»).
Melʹnyk V., Bezpeka osoby v systemi zahalʹnoyi bezpeky, Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho
universytetu. Seriya: Politolohiya, Sotsiolohiya, Filosoya, Vypusk 11, 2009.
Pro Natsionalʹnu politsiyu : zakon Ukrayiny vid 02.07.2015 580-VIII, Baza danykh «Za-
konodavstvo Ukrayiny», Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny, http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/
show/580-19, [data zvernennya: 20.02.2018].
Profesiynyy ryzyk v diyalʹnosti pratsivnykiv podatkovoyi militsiyi: navch. posib., [O.A. Dolhyy,
M.T. Zadoyanyy, V.P. Kroshko ta in.]; pid red. O.O. Spyrydonova, K.: Atika-N 2002.
Prykhodʹko I.I., Psykholohichna bezpeka personalu ekstremalʹnykh vydiv diyalʹnosti: kontsept-
siya, transformatsiyna modelʹ,metodolohiya doslidzhennya, Aktualʹni problemy sotsiolo-
hiyi, psykholohiyi, pedahohiky 2015, № 4.
Shvab K., Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya: M.: Izdatelʹstvo «E», 2016.
Zhalilo Y.A., Stratehiya zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny. Prioritety ta prob-
lemy implementatsiyi, Zhalilo YA, Stratehiya natsionalʹnoyi bezpeky Ukrvyiny v konteksti
dosvidu svitovoyi spilʹnoty, K.: Satsanha 2001.
In the article the author analysed the issues of security in general, public security and security
of society and other types of security. The main stress has been put on a value-normative mo-
del of society and its inuence on security. There is a need to nd new ways of understanding
security and the realities of qualitative and quantitative changes of a global nature, based on
a scientic analysis of the essence of the state.
Yevheniia Lipiy, Mykola Komziuk, Anna KomziukHryhorii Dzhahupov